| | Water Fasting

Dry fasting and cholesterol levels

I’m in the process of getting a new life insurance policy. I’m trying to get the best rate possible. I’ve done several water fasts over the last year and did a 48 hour dry fast early last week. I did another dry fast Friday night to Monday night, drank water until Tuesday night, then started another dry fast that I’m going to try to take to 5 days until Sunday afternoon. I’ll then be returning to water fasting for a week. So 16 days fasting total with 8 of them dry. By the time the person comes out to take my vitals, blood, & urine next week, I’ll likely be a few days into water fasting again. I’m wondering how this fasting will affect my cholesterol (LDL, HDL, triglycerides, etc) and my urine? Is the fasting going to skew those numbers in a bad way?

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Definitely check out Dave Feldman and the Feldman protocol.

Burning fat for fuel will raise cholesterol (even though that’s healthy and normal in that context). It will hurt your numbers for the purposes of Life insurance.

From what I understand, on the Feldman protocol, for 3 days before your lab test you eat carbs and protein, and zero fat. Then you fast for at least 14 hours before your blood test

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