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Dry Fasting and High Stress Jobs

Hi all, I finished my first 72 hour dry fast this week and am feeling super hyped about it and eager to incorporate dry fasting more into my lifestyle (my main goals are weight loss (60 lbs to lose) and physical and emotional healing). Ideally I’d like to do some kind of rolling pattern of dry fasting a certain number of days per week (maybe 2 or 3). That said though, I work in a high stress role that requires a lot of focus to meet tight deadlines and often involves weekend work, and I know that if I didn’t feel great enough during any of my dry fasting days that I’d be able to handle it if I wasn’t on vacation. Curious about how others might be dealing with this kind of thing. As people get more experienced with dry fasting, do they start to feel more normal during dry fasting days, and if so how did you get to that point? Planning on eating keto when I’m not fasting.

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I do rolling 48s as a lifestyle and I run my own business which is about as high stress as it gets. (Except maybe like surgeons or firefighters or something like that). I do 3, 48 hr fasts a week (Basically I eat one meal on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays and Sundays, sometimes and sometimes make the third one a 72hr (just skip the Saturday meal). I also walk 10-20km a day and workout daily so I’m far from sedentary. So if you’re used to dry fasting you should be fine. My productivity skyrocketed when I started doing this, constant flow of creativity and best focus ever (and I USED to have adhd!!!).

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