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Dry fasting for old injuries?

Can dry fasting help heal old injuries? Like ligament damage that causes shoulder pain, knee pain, back pain, etc? If so, how many days would you recommend dry fasting for and is there any good schedule to incorporate dry fasting? Is there any success stories with healing there old injuries or joint pain? Thank you everyone

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There aren’t any real studies on this. All you may get are anecdotes from people on this sub.

I had a quad tendon rupture (quad muscles completely ripped free of my lower leg) about 5 years ago. At the time I mostly did an annual 7-10 day water fast and the occasional 48. I didn’t dry fast at all. I’m completely healed and have rebuilt strength. That is, I can do 1-legged squats on that leg and it’s fine.

I don’t know how or if fasting helped with the recovery. I’m pretty sure I would have full recovery even if I never fasted. This is the problem with singular anecdotes. We can’t draw any conclusion because there is no control group. We need a study where X people with the same injury / surgery go through rehab where some fast and others don’t. See if there’s a difference.


Yes. I had cut off a part of my thumb nearly two years ago. My nailbed edge hadn’t grown back in six months, the plastic surgeon said it wouldn’t grow back and I’d have to trim my nail from the side forever I did a 5 day water fast and it took me a week later to realize my nailbed had grown back. I don’t have to trim my nail ever since.

This other story is recent. I had burned myself cooking beef, and the burn mark stayed dark on my skin for 3 weeks. I did a 46 hour dry fast, and I couldn’t even find where I had burned myself. The mark was completely healed. So. I think there’s a huge benefit to dry fasting and even water fasting for old injuries. I am hopeful you will see improvement!

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