| | Water Fasting

Dry Fasting is easy

Hour by hour, day by day compared to water fasting dry fasting is probably the easiest thing I’ve ever done. I’ll happily go without food, water and porn but I can’t kick the nicotine habit. Weird right. I’m working on it though. But yeah water fasting is easy because you only crave water and even that stops when you produce metabolic water and you’re hydrated on a cellular level. Thank you for this subreddit for making me discover this

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This wasn’t dry fasting, but I was able to kick my physical nicotine withdrawals after a 7.5 day salt water fast (last 2 days were dry) After that it was just mental cravings but I wanted to quit bad so I was able to do it fairly easily. Had occasional cravings a few times a day for a few months but the fast really dwindled them down.


This is just, misleading. has anyone seen the movie 127 hours? Yea that’s what it’s like for me every time I go 5 days with food and water. Am I really the minority here? If I was inclined to believe 90% of the posts I see on here than I’d come away thinking a 6 day dry fast is just a walk in the park 🥱 and that 15 days is where it’s really at😉 Seriously am I crazy? Or is dryfasting actually not as harrowing an experience for anyone else as it is for me.

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