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Dry fasting to get shredded. Heavy weights, cardio or nothing?

I built muscles at the gym, but I am 15kgs overweight, I wanna dry fast and get over with it (Went from 115kg to 84kg thanks to DF).

How can I make it easier? I feel like I always crave junk food at the end of the day.

What would training with weights do while dry fasted? Prevent Muscle loss?

What would cardio do? Burn fat quicker with higher heart rate and breathing more oxygen?

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Any low-intensity movement such as walking will be aerobic, you want to utilize more oxygen which will lead to more fat being used as fuel. In terms of training, Id take it by the day. However, you need to stimulate the muscle and I do this via bodyweight exercises you can still use weights just burn out the muscles and dont go till failure. Walking + Sauna time is your best bet on safely increasing fat loss.


Dry fasting is inherently muscle sparing due to how the body procures endogenous water from fat cells and recycles protein during autophagy. You can make things easier on yourself by fasting more and refeeding less often until you reach your desired body composition. Cravings generally dissipate for me after a minimum 5 day fast, but others have reported only needing 2-3 days to reset those hormones. YMMV.

Doing cardio or anything non-trivial exercise is not productive and very likely to harm you. If you want to build muscle, eat and strength train to build muscle mass. If you want to shred, stop eating and do not train to shed fat mass. It’s that simple.


Incline treadmill walking + dry fasting usually gives me a 4-5 pound loss daily, leveling out at 3/day after refeeding. Also doesn’t tire me out as much as hot yoga or running. I’m significantly overweight though so your loss may be different.

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