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Dry fasting to go back to my orignal genetic makeup.

Hey everyone. I had a vaccine 9 months ago which I had an autoimmune reaction to which I feel has tempered my genetic make up. I don’t feel the same anymore. Energetically feel very flat. I feel my frontal lobes were targeted. I feel this constant « net » on my brain that I feel disconnects me from nature and the outside world. A sensation that I feel trapped in my body. I was wondering if you think dry fasting would help me revert to my orignal dna genetic make up? Thank you.

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What time frame are we talking here? How many days you plan to fast? I don’t believe any of us here can say that you can revert dna, but what i can say is that you definitely can start to feel better by incorporating dry fasting smartly. “Smartly” is the key here. Since idk anything about your experience with fasting, it’s difficult to say anything more.

Truly life changing dry fasts are the long ones. 7+days. You need to build up to those and never rush things, but short ones (up to three days) are pretty safe if you break fast properly. But then again even 3days dry are alot for a person with no prior experience, so that’s that.Short fasts can make you feel better, but wont permanently “revert” anything. That’s my experience.


Just to throw it out there - our genetic makeup is always changing. It’s not a constant thing that is written in stone.

There is one layer of your genetics; and then on top of that layer is epi-genetics. Genes are turned on or off based on a whole range of factors: diet, sleep, exercise, illness, stress, love, fear, a sense of belonging, being over-workes, being under-worked, etc.

Any plant or animal is constantly changing something about it’s genetics to reflect the environment it is in - which is how we adapt to our current situation; and which is how evolution can take place over generations.

Did getting the vaccine affect your genetics or epigenetics? Perhaps. Did it affect it anymore than getting dumped by a longtime boyfriend or girlfriend? Perhaps.

If you believe that getting the vaccine has damaged you, you should also believe that catching COVID would have also damaged you. In America, over 900,000 people have died from covid; and almost all of them were unvaccinated. Only something like 8,000 to 9,000 vaccinated people have died from covid. Maybe you do believe this - but it seems like there are enough people out there who don’t believe it that it needs to be said.


after the vaccine, had an ongoing headache that finally stopped after a five day dry fast and a six day dry fast. you should get into running 4-5 times a week and however you split it up, try to run 45 minutes—could do 10 minutes every other hour. running with fasting clears so many conditions and after a month you’ll develop more ability to breathe oxygen

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