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Dryfast for emotional release/depression

I am here because I really need a hugh change in my 3D world. I been through hell for over 3 years and it has taken a toll on my energy levels and I feel so depressed and fearful much of The time. I really need to Get out of this, and to create a new life. If anyone has experience with dryfasting and theese topics I would love to Get some insights from you! I have never dryfasted before, only with water and for the longest 7 days.

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No guarantees as many factors play into things like this, but two key things you would get from a dry fast:

  1. Proving you can do something incredibly difficult for most people can demonstrate that you are stronger than you may believe.

  2. If you can make it at least five days on a dry fast, autophagy will have helped mitochondrial function - basically throwing out the “accumulated trash” of years. Improved mitochondrial function typically correlates with increased energy.

Be very intentional about refeeding!!! That helps set the stage for sustained improvements post-fast.

This combination of overcoming a challenge and a boost to available energy levels puts the odds in your favor of at least a window of improved mental and physical health that you might build on.

Go for it and see!


Whatever is making you depressed. You will come face to face with it. Yet, it will give the power to face it. No medicine, no therapy, no speech, no doctor, no meditation, no pray, no body, no one, no thing is going to destroy depression like a dryfast in facing your own mortality and creating a better existence within you and around you.


Dry fasting is amazing for mental health. I’ve found that it brings such a deep calmness as the days go by. You realize the simplicity of life, and nothing gets to you. It brings peace and it lifts depression like nothing else. You want to go a few days to reach that state, though, because you go through detox first. But the physical and mental benefits are so so worth it. Good luck to you!


I find that settling into the routine of regular fasting is positively life changing as the benefits accrue with each cycle. Like I had to moderate my coffee as I would get a wicked headache dry fasting whereas I’d just drink coffee while wet fasting.


Wow, such wonderful advice and support in this thread! I’ll add my own two cents in.

A lot of people eat for emotional reasons, to distract, stuff down and disassociate. When you remove food, all your emotions, thoughts and beliefs come to the surface. Adding to this, think about what the word ‘depression’ means: to press down or stuff down. Going on this journey of fasting will not only help you get physiologically healthy, its an amazing time to look at your emotions, thoughts and beliefs, maybe do some processing or healing, decide which feel good and you want to keep and which don’t serve you or don’t feel good and you want to let go of.


Quick question-I’m approaching day 4 today at 1pm-so i technically am only on day3..i am experiencing a rather odd smell, like “burnt hair” almost. I sound crazy I know-any one else expletive any off scents?

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