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Dryfasting for myocarditis

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You can try to supplement with choline (or eat more eggs, something like 3/day or more) or other osmolytes (trimethylglycine Aka betaine for example), as they are anti-inflammatory and suspected to stabilize cells which are harmed by the spike proteins.

COVID-19-related myocarditis and cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathways>This article reviews the relationship between COVID-19-related myocarditis and the CAP and discusses the CAP as a potential therapeutic modality in the treatment of COVID-19-related myocarditis.

Osmotic Adaptation by Na+-Dependent Transporters and ACE2: Correlation with Hemostatic Crisis in COVID-19>The osmotic crisis resulting from hypokalemia and disruption of the ACE2-based complex is compatible with clinical findings in damaged endothelial cells, early manifestations of elevated D-dimer levels, and the progression to thrombosis in COVID-19 patients. Current clinical trials use fibrinolytic and anti-inflammatory therapies reviewed in [19] to combat thrombosis. To address osmotic crisis, adjuvant supplementation with neutral amino acids could be implemented to replenish organic osmolytes and stabilize intracellular osmolality when the ACE2 complex is disabled.


Hi I’m wondering how dryfasting might effect myocarditis caused by covid 19 and possibly Lyme reactivated infection. I did do a 40 hour dryfast with minimal improvement and I’m thinking 40 hours is not enough might push for 4 days next dry fast.

Back story- I had covid about 10 months ago and two weeks after the initial infection I developed really bad chest pains. I got rushed to the ER thinking I was having a heart attack. They did a bunch of test which came back positive for inflammation of the heart and pericardium. The gave me some NSAIDS and colchicine and told me to take that for the next 3 months. So far I’m 80% better but still dealing with chest pains, tightness, dullness and POTS with heart rate going up to 100+ from just walking.

I’m not sure if anyone here has any experience with dryfasting and the effects on healing of the heart some insight would greatly be appreciated.

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