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Early morning gym + IF question

So I’ve started doing IF again and so far so good. This morning I managed to kick myself to the gym and I realised normally after a session I’d have some protein etc…to aid recovery, however with IF I’m having to wait till 12 to eat (so I can cook for the family in the evening)

What do people do to aid muscle recovery, while not eating? Can anything be done?

Thank you for the advice

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As long as you’re getting your daily goal of protein in later, doesn’t particularly matter for most folks.

Our bodies are pretty great at finding and using what it needs. The reason to have protein right after working out is because our protein synthesis is elevated. We can soak up and use a little more protein as protein before it’s broken down for energy. But even if we miss this window the body just goes back to baseline and that number continues to remain in flux for all sorts of reasons - our size, when we last had protein, what kind of protein, what we ate it with, etc. So it’s more about efficiency than anything and we can still cover that need later.

Depending on how much someone desires to get into the weeds on maximizing this stuff. As long as you’re not trying to force your daily goal of protein into one massive fast digesting source, going to be mostly fine.


There is a few options.-Do your workout later, and time it with eating window.-Move your eating window to match workout time.This is only if you really want to eat after workout.

As I would do, just workout when it fit you, and eat when it fit you. It dosent matter that much. And if you are a pro at some kind of sport, ask your coach about it 👍


I had this same question. I had to switch up my schedule today and rode my bike in the early am instead of in the evening between meals. It has been drilled into my head (former runner) to eat protein/carbs within 45 minutes or my muscles will suffer. I broke fast after my ride and drank a protein shake and ended up with a migraine. I’d much rather keep fasting but I worry about muscle recovery. I’m prone to injury.

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