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Eating at night

How do you guys stop yourself from breaking fast at night? It’s always night time I have the hardest time. Any tips? Tricks? Or methods that helped? Hard to sleep when fasted.

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This is the most difficult time for me as well, especially at first. I floss and brush my teeth and drink a big glass of water. Unsweetened flavored herbal tea can help sometimes too. It’s also a good time to do a little nail maintenance. It’s hard to mindlessly snack when clipping, filing, buffing and/or painting your nails. I imagine a skin care mask could have a similar effect.


I have recently starting using the mantra “ will this help me achieve my goal” whenever I am facing a craving. This helps me stay on point and remembering why I am doing this in the first place. If I don’t succumb to the craving then I try to reward myself with some words of kindness.


i think a good idea is to put as much friction as possible between you and the food.. don’t have it in your room so you have to put more effort into it or if you’re really struggling maybe even make it harder to get to (ex. if i have a food i know is a problem for me, sometimes i will leave it in my car).. if you are still struggling maybe start buying food that has to be cooked to be eaten. that helps me a lot too! you could also try saying aloud “i am choosing to eat and my reason is “ before digging in. i know it seems to be a lot but it actually helps


It’s A LOT of willpower for me. Sometimes I really feel like I’m starving at night, but I have to remind myself that my body has more than enough fat to survive on. Also I almost always wake up feeling fine so it’s all a mind game.


I am also a night eater. So when I’m fasting, I force myself to get up at four in the morning, even on weekends. By about 9 PM I am ready for that deep, comatose water fasting sleep. And I’ve found it is difficult to eat when I’m dead to the world. 😀

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