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Eating disorder?

Usually I love eating and yesterday I ate quite a lot (especially sweets) and most of the time I feel the need to munch on something just because I’m bored.

Today I decided that because I ate a lot yesterday I’m going to fast the whole day and I barely feel any need to eat (just some small rumbling in my stomach).

Why is it that I can fast without the urge to eat out of boredom but at the same time in days I decide to eat I go only for fast-food/sweets and I tend to overeat? (for example if I go for chocolate I’ll probably eat the whole tablet or at least 50% of it)

Why can’t I be somewhere in the middle like people who just eat 1 bagel and stop?

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Certain trigger foods make it almost impossible for me to stop eating, all things sugary and refined carbs like bagels and pizza. Something about the dopamine from those makes it super hard to control myself.

I’ve also noticed if I’m not getting enough sleep or water, my cravings for junk food go nuts. Same goes for when I’m hungover. Try looking at how you ate/drank/slept before these cravings came and maybe there’s something to change to prevent them?

Also FWIW I’m a woman and notice hormonal connections with cravings and appetite for sure.

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