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Eating Disorder / Help?


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It sounds like you may benefit from meeting with a registered dietitian and a therapist to help address those fears and work towards gaining weight.

Here’s a link to find a registered dietitian near you: Link


You can eat healthy whole foods and still gain weight (I do it all the time).

If your anxiety is causing such and issue that you can’t over eat… yeah that’s in the eating disorder category. It also can fall into the OCD category as well. Or you just simply have anxiety or something else going on.

Reach out to someone for guidance. Don’t sit there and suffer silently. Get help.


Eat whole foods then? meat, eggs, fish, fruits, honey, veggies, nuts..

I dont understand why you talk as if processed food was the only option.

If you dont want to eat whole foods either because it is still weird for you then i would say go to a psychologist specialized in eating disorders.


I’ve dealt with similar fears in the past. I had orthorexia, which isn’t an official eating disorder but is very real. For me, it manifested as a fear of eating processed foods. Now, I’m studying to become a registered dietitian and have learned that processed foods are nothing to be scared of!

I would definitely suggest you see a registered dietitian- they can help you work through your fears, gain weight, and feel better! Don’t suffer alone.

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Categories: eating disorder nutrition meat fish fruit