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Eating something just because it tastes good.


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Terrible quote. Food is a huge part of culture, tradition, social gatherings and more.

You of course need to have some mindfulness around food, but if you only used food for nutrition, life would be very boring indeed. Great way to build some really disordered habits.


I’m sorry but this is a ridiculous statement. Good food is one of life’s many pleasures. If OP stated don’t pursue un-healthy foods just because they taste good then I would agree. Although having a slice of pie or cake in moderation makes life more enjoyable.


It’s balance at the end of the day. I eat a meal plan during the week that isn’t the tastiest, but fits my nutritional needs. Then I eat out on weekends like fast food or at a restaurant. It has worked for me for years, and is appropriate my workout routine.

I’d hate if I had to eat my meal plan every day for the rest of my life. But I know doing so affords me the leeway to enjoy emptier calories of tastier foods.


This is awful! Healthy food (if you’re paying attention to flavour) often tastes better than low nutrition foods anyway. I’m the opposite, I would rather be hungry than waste space on something that doesn’t taste good. But then, I’m a woman in my late 30’s, I don’t really need 3 square meals a day so it’s no biggie to just eat a banana and a handful of nuts instead of a meal.


I disagree with this.

One of the common side effects of COVID is loss of smell and taste. So many people are losing a drastic amount of weight because they cannot smell or taste their food. Instead food provides only texture, satiation, and calories. And it’s just not enough. I’ve encouraged people to talk to their Drs about NG tubes and IV nutrition because they are experiencing symptoms of nutrient deficiency. And some are becoming obviously underweight/malnourished.

Food is a part of culture, tradition, community, and connection. Beyond that it is an exploration of your sense and stimulation for your brain. Taste, smell, sight, sound, and touch can all be involved in a single meal. And those things are just as important as the straight up nutrients.

And before any one jumps on this I do think there is a difference in adding spices, variety, cooking methods, or experimenting with food and all of the artificially amped up ‘food’ items. Those overstimulate and can leave us with numbed taste buds.

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