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Eating with a fork vs. straw..

If I were on a diet of mostly fruits and vegetables and blended everything into a smoothie with water as opposed to chewing everything, would there be any real health difference?

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My dietician told me to always make sure I eat chewable solid food with smoothies. Apparently the chewing is an important part of the digestion process and kind of gets the whole process started? So eat something solid with your smoothies for the sake of your digestion more than nutrition.


Yes. Insoluble fiber is broken up further by a blender than by mastication. This is the same reason fruit juice with no added sugar will have a higher insulin response than eating the actual fruit.

To add: The fiber helps to protect the liver from direct absoprtion of glucose by delaying when it is metabolized until it hits the gut. Whole foods in their natural form with membranes intact protect against NAFLD.


This is only relevant in the event that you are the kind of person that incompletely compensates for liquid calories, but it’s interesting nonetheless:




Personally I don’t compensate for liquid calories the way I do calories from food I actually eat, so I’m best off eating my food unless I’m trying to gain weight, in which case liquid calories are advantageous because they allow me to eat more.


chewing is important for your jaw, teeth, satturation and even digestion.
Its not SUPER important, and drinking your food regulary isnt bad, but i would recommend to not exclusivly eat smoothies.
Also what kind of vegan protein do you blend?



Well, you’ll make the sugars easier for you body to get at, speeding up intake causes sugar spikes but I doubt a huge difference especially with blended veg. Bio availability with alter depending on how the vegs are cooked or if your blending raw.


It definitely doesn’t make you feel full it just made me feel bloated when I tried, like a bunch of people here have said its important to chew

I was trying to just drink my food during the transition from eating really unhealthy to better eating and I realized that you have to eat real food

Mainly because it doesn’t doesn’t give you the same energy if you just blend everything up

I was just feeling bloated like I was just not really getting my metabolism going I would need to go out for a run in my yard

Plus honestly I really like eating steamed kale and avocado and spinach and all these things that I was putting in my smoothie anyway

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Categories: fruit digest nutrition soluble fiber sugar fiber liver glucose calories energy steam