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Efficient way of dropping weight

Hello Everyone !

This is the first time I am posting on this subreddit, and I wanted to ask a few questions regarding IF

I am 90kg in weight, and am 174cm tall. My target weight is 72kg so that I can be in my correct BMI class. I used to be kinda fit 2 years ago, but I basically did nothing during the lockdown and packed a lot of weight

I have recently started 16:8 fasting routine (its been 2 days), and wanted to know the following -

  1. Can I drink tea (with milk and sugar) during my eating hours? As of now, I have completely cut off tea and coffee altogether, but I have a very slight headache.

  2. Can I have an occasional cheat day (like once a week) where I can eat a pizza or burger/fries, or should I sticl to the routine till I reach my target?

  3. I also walk around 15k steps (covering around 10km) a day. Is this amount of walking enough to synergise with IF, or should I join a gym?

  4. Assuming that the fasting works, will I have to continue my eating habits for my entire life, or can I revert to my normal routine a bit (with more care)?

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  1. You can drink tea and coffee. During your eating hours, you can add milk and sugar. During your fasting hours, you can still drink it, but you need to drink it plain, with no milk and no sugar.
  2. IF only tells you when to eat, not what to eat. If you want to eat pizza or a burger during your eating period one day, you have not “cheated” on IF, as long as it was within your eating period. Whatever diet plan you choose to follow is up to you. I find that it makes IF easier if I go light on starches and heavier on protein and vegetables — but I do occasionally eat pizza or a burger, and I don’t feel bad about it. I want IF to fit naturally into my lifestyle and be something I can do for the long term. My lifestyle includes the occasional pizza or burger. As long as it stays occasional, not every day, I don’t see a problem.
  3. Sure, that’s a good amount of walking. You may eventually want to consider adding some weight training to build muscle. But this does not have to involve joining a gym. Google “beginner bodyweight exercises” to find lots of weight training you can do without any equipment.
  4. You’ll probably need to change the way you eat long-term, since your old habits resulted in weight gain. That doesn’t mean you necessarily have to do 16:8 IF forever. But it does mean eating less overall — avoid snacking between meals, and eat much less starch and sugar. I like IF because it teaches me better habits; I am now totally out of the habit of snacking all day.


  1. You can still drink tea with sugar. Just track the calories of the sugar if you are tracking (as some don’t).

  2. I have two cheat days a week - Friday and Saturday. Weight loss is fast. The best way to look at it is 85% of the week you are doing good (6 out of 7 days), one bad day is not going to undo the 6 days of dieting.


  1. Yes but try to cut out the sugar. That stuff is terrible.

  2. Yes, I encourage cheat days. If we don’t allow ourselves to indulge once in awhile it makes it more difficult to stick to a set diet plan.

  3. Any physical activity is good for you walking included. You don’t necessarily have to join a gym but if you want to increase strength and build muscle pick up some heavy weights.

  4. You could go back but if it works why would you? After awhile your body will naturally adjust to your IF schedule. Humans weren’t evolved to eat all hours of the day. That’s what food companies want us to believe so we buy more of their junk.


  1. Yes, you can, but I would avoid sugar.
  2. I do eat Pizza and burger/fries occasionally.
  3. I don’t exercise but I walk about 3k steps sometimes.
  4. I plan to continue this habit cuz I think I would gain it back gradually if I stop it.

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