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Electrolyte experiences. Newbie here struggling with fatigue and wanting to eat geese.

Hey guys. Just skip to the TLDR if you’d like

I’ve spent the last hour researching electrolytes but am having a hard time finding out like “why should I have sodium bicarbonate?” And what I got essentially was “it’s good for acid reflux and your kidneys dig it.” Which is cool. I haven’t noticed any acid reflux problems when fasting, so I’m good there. Also, my kidneys have always been absolute bros to me. They’ve been working 7 days a week forever and have never call out or taken sick days or “no call no show” BS. Dedicated pair of dudes. Solid ya know.

Anywho, I just used baking soda as an example, but I’m more looking for the benefits the electrolytes provide to the “quality” of fasting itself.

I’ve found that first 24 hours is becoming pretty easy but not my favorite part of a fast. Then through 48 hours I feel great and want to keep the fasting going. However, I just absolutely struggle-bus around the 50 to 72 hour window but wanna take fasts longer.

It’s like slowly clicking up a roller coaster feeling better and better then around 50 hours I reach the top of the coaster feeling like the absolute man. Then shortly after I just fly down the track with no energy and just wanna take a nap and die.

I don’t feel sick or anything. But I’ll be at work sitting down and it feels like I have to make a herculean effort to get myself up. And when I’m walking I feel all heavy and slow. Which sucks because not too long before that I feel very steady and have tons of energy.

Then this feeling of dread comes over me like “oh, I’m getting weaker. I need to eat something now.” And I just crave steak and spinach to no end. I’m just absurdly hungry. So the geese thing… at work, there’s a couple warring and super loud factions of geese on the river. And unfortunately they chose to wage their crusades right outside the main building I occupy. Im trying to remain neutral about the whole thing and not “pick a side” or get emotionally involved, but it is what it is. So anyway, one night when I was going home, I saw them gathered for evening mass (I’m guessing) and could not stop thinking about Goose macros. But like I said, don’t wanna get in the middle of a crusade.

TLDR: Just looking for experiences with taking electrolytes. Benefits and maybe warnings or suggestions. Did taking electrolytes benefit you noticably? I’m pretty lethargic feeling and was hoping there may be a way around the tiredness.

Thanks guys! :)

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hey man, I used to take electrolytes but they generally tasted like crap and were a pain in the ass. Recently however I have just been taking artificalli sweetened softdrinks and cordial. Pepsi max is one I like. The particular sweetener in pepsi max has no carbs but has potassium. Potassium is a good electrolyte for fasting as it ramps up your metabolism. You can also get many other drinks with the same type of sweetener as well as cordials. Acesulphame potassium is the sweetener I believe.

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