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So i am trying to make my own electrolyte supplements and the faq on this sub is probably the most helpful i’ve found.

I am in New Zealand and it’s damned infuriating looking for guides and only really finding US centric articles that state “just use such and such product…”.

Where i am i cannot find an electrolyte supplement without sugar or other crap in it, or a no-salt/lite salt product that states its potassium content. We have one available in NZ which is 5x% sodium, 46% “mineral salts” and the potassium content is a trade secret apparently. While i have been using it to some reasonable affect, with a local electrolyte table that contains a small amount sugar/dextrose, i have no idea how much potassium i’m getting. I find i don’t feel totally right using this mixture and am some what reluctant to blindly drink till i feel ok not knowing the amount of salts i’m getting.

What i do have is easy access to Cream of Tartar and food grade Epsom salts.

I’m inclined to just use a pill supplement for magnesium, as it sounds like the laxative effects from epsom salts are fairly acute. For potassium the faq states not to use more than .25 tsp for per serving to avoid laxative effects. Question is, what is the serving size? It’s not stated.

Assuming i need 2L of electrolyte supplement per day how do i get enough potassium from cream of tartar without ending up in a bad way?

Also i think i saw on r/keto that some people just use Miso soup? Is that a viable alternative to electrolytes or does it have too many calories (it would be so much easier for me if that was a viable alternative).

I get super bad brain fog and anxiety when i don’t get any electrolytes, even just with intermittent fasting so really need to work this out.

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I’ll chime in because I’ve used cream of tartar for potassium. I find it to be an uncomfortable diaretic. I pissed constantly. Are there no “lite salts” in your grocery stores or pharmacys? Somthing with potassium chloride for those that need to lessen their sodium intake?

For magnesium, I have powdered magnesium, but I find that using magnesium citrate solution (it’s a powerful laxative) mixes easier and works just as well as long as you only use a small amount. I’ve used food grade epsom salts and didn’t have a problem, but it’s not as bio-available as the citrate.



$15 + $4 shipping from Taupo, Waikato

> 250g Potassium Chloride> > A common and naturally occurring mineral. It is generally used to provide potassium enrichment in foods and as a salt replacer to reduce the sodium content in food.

> Flavouring agent, Flavour enhancer, Nutrient supplement, pH control agent, Stabiliser, Thickening and gelling promoter.

> Expiry 10/24


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