| | Water Fasting


I am doing a water fast and am attempting to do so for 40 days. In addition to not consuming any calories, I want to have a fit life. I plan on going to the gym every other day for weight lifting, so that I can minimize muscle loss as well as help keep skin tight. I also plan on doing swimming and rucking for cardio.

My issue is that I know I can easily cramp up. What is the smart way of intaking electrolytes during this water fast? I know about droplets of electrolytes that you can mix with water, but they make me shitz.

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If you are fasting for 4 days you need electrolytes or your body will shut down. Sodium, potassium, and magnesium. You can buy fasting salts but they are much cheaper and more balanced to make yourself. As for the shits, yeah that just comes with the territory. My key is to drink your salt water slowly I usually make a liter or so of electrolytes and take the whole day to drink it. Slamming salt water will absolutely gut you. Magnesium is really key for dealing with cramps, I recommend magnesium threonate. Please read the FAQ for info on electrolytes, trying to fast that long without them will be very dangerous.

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