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electrolytes reaction last two days

Been doing 18:6 since Saturday and I’ve had no trouble except the last two days. Read on here that fasting salts are good so yesterday I took adrenal cocktail (vitamin c, sodium, and potassium). Within 30 minutes I felt faint and had a low pulse (54/55) when my normal resting rate is 65. Drank a bunch of water and felt better in an hour.

Today I took waterfast with sodium, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, and the reaction was even worse, this time with serious GI issues. Same thing today with drinking a bunch of water and feeling better I’m a little over an hour.

Both times I was 13 hours into the fast. Anyone have any issues like this?

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It’s very unlikely that you need extra electrolytes doing intermittent fasting. Maybe if you’re working out very hard. You could keep track of your nutrient intake to make sure though. Generally, you need them for extended fasts of more than a day or two. Also, if you do drink electrolytes, you would sip them throughout the day. Chugging a full days worth of electrolytes will send you to the bathroom pretty quick.

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