| | Water Fasting

Ended my fast at 4 days. Two days later I'm up 5lbs in water weight :(

I know it’s just water weight, but it still makes me sad. I fasted Thurs, Fri, Sat, and Sun. Today I’m up 5 lbs from Sunday after eating as close to my TDEE as I could for the last 2 days. Something I’m eating is kicking me out of ketosis, I think.

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Are you a woman? Periods can affect water weight tremendously. Don’t be discouraged, you’re doing great! Also don’t weight yourself as often. As for ketosis, fasting alone won’t put you in a ketogenic state unless you significantly lower your carb intake. You can try keto test strips to make sure, I use them pretty often.


make sure to get enough salt and potassium in and that you drink enough because otherwise your body will try to hold water as a security measure. Also if you really want to dig into this, weigh your pee and compare it to your water intake. It’s not going to be accurate due to water loss by breathing and sweating, but it can give you an estimate whether or not your body holds back water. Keep in mind that when your body burns fat it get metabolized to water “pretty much”, if your body senses a water and/or electrolyte deficit it can hold on to that metabolic water.
I just recently lost 5lbs from one day to another, I noticed that I was peeing a lot compared to my water intake. The days before I increased my salt/potassium intake carefully.

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