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Endurance prep - tips?

I signed up to do a 50+ mile bike ride in a few months (pelofundo). Are there any endurance athletes here that have any suggestions / tips in terms of training?

With IF, I have gotten used to fasted cardio and can bike an hour in the morning, no issues fasted. It has worked out so well for me that i have actually gotten so used to working out faster that i have issues trying to workout even 2-3 hours after eating. I’m not opposed to breaking the fast window, I’m just worried about keeping something down.

I am going to start doing longer rides on the weekend to train, so can experiment some on the refueling after the hour mark. Should I be refueling after a certain time into my workout with something easy to digest? And any recommendations on what works for you? My husband (marathoner, but not doing IF) was thinking I might want to try a Gatorade or guu packet.

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I’m a distance runner who trains fasted. You’re on the right track with practicing fueling for your upcoming event. I definitely fuel for races (although I ran a marathon last fall on almost zero calories just to test it out…went great!). Most people seem to choose a gel, the chewable gel blocks, or a waffle-type fuel. If you’re used to training fasted, you likely won’t need much, probably no more than 100 calories/hour, which will give you a good energy boost. I use Huma gels when racing, and I don’t need the first one until I’m at least an hour or more into the race. (My pre-race fuel is a cup of black coffee.). As you’re trying things, note which type of sugar it has, so you can identify if your stomach has an issue with certain sugars. And if you want to fuel with something with less sugar, a nut butter packet (like Justin’s) is a good choice (1/2 packet at a time), or cashews. There’s also a product called UCAN that comes in a drink, bar, or gel paste which is pricey, but a good, effective fuel for fat-burning athletes as it doesn’t spike blood sugar (so you can continue to burn fat for fuel, plus benefit from the carbs in UCAN.). Good luck with your training and ride!


If you have train fasted i would probably just do it fasted. You have the energy coming from fat so you should be just fine. I would take an electrolyte drink and maybe a small backup snack if needed but thats it.

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Categories: tips to fast cardio morning working out digest calories energy coffee sugar stomach blood sugar carbs snack