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Energy drinks/Pre-workout

Hey guys and gals! I have a couple questions for the community in regards to energy drinks and pre workout(I’ve been doing IF for a week now, so I’m new) I’m going to start working out, and it will be during my fasting period(8:16 fasting period) Do you guys have any advice for working out while fasting? Thank you for the help! I hope y’all have a great day!

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Are you doing the IF to lose weight? If so, simply ditch the energy drinks and pre-workout. They aren’t needed at all. If you have a hard time managing working out while fasting, I’d look at moving the fast or the workout so they can be closer together.


It’s essentially a placebo your mind just needs to work past because it’s become a habit.

Just like changing your eating patterns is building a new habit use this as an opportunity to drop another had habit.

By the time any of the chemicals/caffeine etc actually kick in you’d already been done with your workout - they’re just an example of amazing marketing that’s paid off.


Don’t use pre-workout and energy drinks. You’ll only start to rely on them.

The first couple weeks going to the gym can be the hardest. After you get a good routine down, the gym can become very addicting.


I got some great advice in here a few months back in regards a similar question I had. Plainly, if you have even a slight question in your mind if it will break your fast, don’t take it. I was a fiend for energy drinks and still drink more than I should but only during my eating window. During fast tumes its strictly water, plain green tea or plain chamomile tea.

In regards working out during fasts listen to your body. Go easy and build up. I now do 3 days a week with 2 hour+ sessions each go. 1 hour resistance 1 hour cardio + walking to and from the gym. If I feel even remotely light headed or uneasy I stop, you will likely not be able to jump straight into heavy weights or high reps instantly but build up to it and your body will adjust in its own time and build from there.

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Categories: energy working out working out while fasting lose weight habit eating window tea cardio