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Experiences with intermittent fasting and ADHD medication appetite suppression?

I’m interested in starting this diet for weight maintenance rather than weight loss. I lost a bit of extra weight in 2022 and have been feeling a bit of anxiety about gaining it back. I like the idea of still being able to eat whatever I want and I like that IF gives me that freedom while also preventing me from binging (which is something I have a hard time with).

I binge a lot at night because that’s when my meds wear off so I’m considering a system where I don’t eat in the later hours.

My one concern is making sure I get in my calories earlier in the day when my appetite is basically dead.

Do those of you who do IF with ADHD struggle to force yourself to eat on meds?

I also wonder if it might help me with my nutrition because in the back of my mind I’ll be thinking “need to get those calories even if you aren’t hungry so you can function today!”

I’m definitely rambling here so I apologize but would love to hear your thoughts and experiences!

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I’m on ADHD meds and have been successfully doing IF for a few months. I don’t think this would work.

In regards to weight, ADHD meds are known for their appetite suppression, but they also help our impulse control. So once they wear off, not only will your appetite be back but your impulse control will also be significantly lowered. For me, I would 100% not be able to maintain a fast during this time.

It’s also very common for people with ADHD to seek out dopamine hits through sugary and high-carb foods (crackers, bread, cookies) which is where the binging comes from. So when your meds wear off, it’s likely causing you to seek dopamine hits from food as well as your impulsive control being lowered.

Personally, I found the best way to circumvent this was to provide myself with longer-lasting dopamine by exercising right before my eating window ends, then eating a high-protein meal. Protein is essential. I start my eating window just a little before the meds wear off, which is about 3pm for me.

It might do you some good to do a little research on diet patterns and ADHD, it was very helpful for me. Our brains work a little differently, we need to work with our ADHD instead of against it.

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