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Extended dry fasting straight after binge

Hello. As the tittle says, I binged a lot of junk food for a few days. I am feeling pretty down at this moment in life and quite sure fasting could help me to build self esteem when I finish it. The question is how safe is to do 7 day dry fasting straight after big binge?

I have done several up to 7 day water fasts and several up to 4 days dry fasts. Been fat adapted for a while as well. That means I had been doing keto for a bit, trained fasted, like ran marathon without a food etc. My body is quite capable to use fats as energy.

However, 7 days dry fast looks pretty responsible thing to do. Can I also allow myself to walk for long distances (up to 20km). I found easier to be in fresh air while listening to podcasts or studying material.


25 years male by the way.


Thanks for the answers:)

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I’d say as long you are nicely hydrated a few hours after the binge. My dry fasts are different energy-wise. Sometimes I can walk for hours and sometimes I can barely move, I can’t really predict that for myself


You can do it. I have done 98 hours dry after a binge and walked at least 4 miles a day. Felt fine. I think people make a bigger deal about prep than there needs to be. I read a lot here about recommending to be in ketosis first, but being in ketosis without being fat adapted doesn’t help me much. I’ve switched to carnivore refeeds and it’s been much easier.


I won’t do it. There was a guy here who binged on junk food burgers etc the usual low fibre junk. Did 7 days fast and had to be admitted to hospital for surgery to removed the built up matter in him .

DF should not be used as an emotional crutch like how people purge after eating.

If you want results time to ask yourself serious questions about making that life changing decision about how you are going to improve physical and mental well-being. Emotional fasting /decision making is not your answer and if anything going to dig you into a deeper hole


It depends on the extent of the binge and how well hydrated you feel going into the fast. For example if it was a massive binge and you already feel thirsty (I do after eating lots of crap) not a good idea. You could always do the first 24-48hrs with water and dry fast the rest.


You could probably do it. I would do a 24 hour water fast to kick it off. Health is a holistic lifestyle; if you pursue this fast you should consider changing your habits otherwise you are just creating a feedback loop and are never fixing the problem.

Walking is a great idea; always helped me feel good during dry fasts. The more fresh air the better!

Good luck


Note, for anything longer than few days d.fasting.

So it’s very important to cleanse the colon in prep for an extended d.fast. I dropped straight into a 12 day with no prep last time and I didn’t have a fun time: the body considers the waste in the colon, which won’t be expelled properly if you go from full diet straight to d.fast, as fuel and so tries to use it up, mildly poisoning the body by doing so. By the end of my 12 days my bodyy started to have a bowl movement—the first since I had finished eating— but it couldn’t make it because it was dry as tinder in there, so I had to do kind of emergency expulsion methods using my hands in a bath and in a shower and on the floor—wasn’t pleasant—could well have been fatal if I didn’t act at that moment like Jimmy Hendrix. Also the fast will be about as effective as driving with the hand-brake on because of being backed-up. You should do this next time: eat whatever you want up to 4 or 5 days prior to the fast; eat only lentils and fruits and veg on day 4 (and 5, would be best) prior to the fast, and not more than amounts to a GDA of calories; eat only fruits and veg three days prior, same rule for how much; take only juice (and water if you like) and a handful of prunes two days before, as much juice as you like and the handful can be a good one if you like—no pulp or fibre in the juice though. Only juice (and water if you like) the day before the fast, as much as you like—same rule, no pulp or fibre. Do two salt flushes: one two days prior to fast, one on the day before your fast. An enema also the day before the fast would make sure you were without doubt clear. Sorted.

You can walk every day, but the fast will be more effective for your health if you keep it to reasonably casual distances.


Thanks for the answers.

I decided to start with 24h water fast and before that drank electrolytes. A few days before I ate a lot watery vegetables (pepper, tomato soups). Familiar with emotional fasting and bad choices, however I am seeking to feel better after the longer fast when testosterone and HGH grows up. Also, the summer is very close and since I might work as lifeguard I need to be in a better shape.

I want to continue until 7 days.


Kind of off topic, but are you regularly fasting already? Right now I’m on a 3 day fast, but Normally I’m ADF (40:8). I eat mostly Paleo (fruits, legumes, veg, meat). I have no desire for junk food, and it goes right in the garbage. After a day of fasting, my body craves natural foods high in nutrition. How is your experience?

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