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Extended fasting just seems easier on the wallet. How do you meal prep for rolling fasts?

I’ve been browsing the sub, and it seems like a lot agree that rolling 72s/96s are optimal for sustainability, but how, if you’re limited? For me personally, I don’t have a lot of room for food storage, so prepping a week’s worth of food and then only eating every 3-4 days seems like a waste when I could just bang out a 2-3 week fast, eat CICO for a couple of weeks with my prepped, healthy meals, and then head back into another 2-3 week fast.

Plus, I’ve always had trouble getting back into fasting after eating during a rolling fast. The scale going up is usually discouraging, and the fact that it takes me almost the same amount of time to lose the weight that I just lost makes me feel like a yoyo.

I want to lose 130lbs and am trying to figure out the best way for me to do this.

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I don’t meal prep. I prefer not to spend much time cooking. Most of my vegetable intake is from salad bars, same for meat actually. I could live off Whole Foods. I also eat things like sardines and tuna, which don’t require cooking either. Other than making eggs or the occasional soup or pasta, I really don’t cook anything at all. With fasting, I actually spend less money on food even though I get a lot of prepared/ready to eat things. Also, I don’t have to worry about things going bad before I eat them.


Those are quite long fasts. You’d have to be really on top of your electrolytes (which you very well might be!). I personally think repeated fasts of that length would be detrimental to your health, but I’m not a medical professional in anyway way. I know you want results and to save money, the shorter fasts are probably helping with this. Could you meal prep less meals instead of resorting to repeated long fasts?

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