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Extended fasting schedule

Hi! After months of 16:8 I finally switched over to 18:6. I’m considering adding some 24-36 hour fasts in but I’m not really sure when the best time would be. I think I’m over thinking it because years ago I followed a very strict diet that incorporated 2 48 hour fasts per month but everything was very preplanned and laid out with how you would prep leading up and how you would break your fast. I’m not looking to be as strict as I was then because it’s just not sustainable but I’m wondering if those of you who do extended fasts follow any type of schedule or if you just throw them in whenever it works out for you.

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I do continual ADF. 36:12 every 48 hours. I think this is far better for me than trying to alternate between more short term and longer term fasting. This is my second journey, so I’m a long time ADFer and this time has been no problem at all.

This is what works for me. YMMV. I’m not suggesting this is best for you, just sharing my experience. My body seems to get into a nice steady rhythm with ADF. I’ve always found that the transition time in the fast where the fat burning needs to kick in is the toughest for me. It isn’t bad after that, even when I’m fasting for 36 hours. My philosophy then is, “why endure that transition every day when I can only have it once every 2 days?”


Something else that trips me up is that I don’t like my children (especially daughters) to notice me fasting. I’m very careful to never talk about dieting or weight loss in front of them. Breakfast and lunch are easy because they’re usually at school. But I’ll only fast through dinner on a night when they have activities which can fluctuate. Thanks for all the replies. I appreciate the info!


I generally throw them in where they fit and based on how I feel. I follow mainly 23:1 and do a 48 hour fast once every week or two. I base mine on my workout schedules, because I don’t have as much energy during a 48 hour fast. I always workout in the mornings before work or after a few cups of coffee in the morning on weekends. If I plan to rest or do a super light active recovery day, I’ll do a 48 hour fast (eat in the evening and then break fast 48 hours later). It’s mostly just what works for me and my schedule.


My goal is 16:8 fast Monday through Friday and I cheat more on weekends (12:12)

HOWEVER, what happens 80% of the time is the 16:8 turns into either a 20:4 or OMAD. I try not to dictate a set schedule for myself but make it more flexible with 16:8 as my low milestone.

I fast from 8PM through breakfast and to the lunch hour. Now when I hit the noon hour I find myself that I am usually not hungry and then extend the fast further….that is where I like some flexibility.

I also currently do an extended Fast from about Thurs 8PM through Saturday Noon or even later (assuming no Friday plans with SO or friends). Usually this turns into about 40 to 44 hour fast. In a few weeks, I will push that to 72 hours….and probably try to do that at least once a quarter. That one I know will have some suffering.

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