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Extreme Calorie Restriction Thoughts?

Hey all,

So Ive got some international travel coming up with wife in about 5 months and I want to look/feel and mentally prepare my best for it. The longest I have fasted is a week in several goes. I don’t believe extended fasts are really what our ancestors would have done just my personal opinion as they would have been consistently foraging etc.

Regardless another aspect of fasting I have been looking at and considering is the extreme calorie restrict method. I am interested to try this for atleast the 4 months leading up to our depart (I probably wouldn’t while traveling since too many temptations will be abound and well be going out often). I know the willpower to get by on so little will be immense due to consistent hunger from the intake but the way I see it is the human body needs 2000-3000 calories a day and its going to take those from anything and anywhere regardless of if your in a completely fasted keto state or not and will do the same “purge” regardless albeit a bit slower.

For reference Im about 210lb right now and was considering a daily “allowance” of calories to be around 450. Rough equivalent would be like half a sandwich and a nice healthy salad supplemented with multi-vits. Another aspect of the reason for not going a full fast is I will be upping my physical activity leading up to the event, So don’t want to mess with loss of key electolytes/vits etc.

I just wanted any input from those who maybe have gone a similar route or general ideas/advice. I guess technically it could also be considered an OMAD but they usually try to hit a higher calorie count.

Maybe there is a sub for this particular method? I don’t really know.

Edit: I forgot to mention on top of the allowance, maybe somedays I might just skip the meal entirely, depending on how it goes. you know just as an extra boost to the whole process. What is this LOL omad/alternate/restriction fasting hah. :(

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This sounds like a recipe for disaster. Just stick to a consistent OMAD or ADF schedule with proper nutrition. 5 months is plenty of time to get to a comfortable spot. Your method is going to make your life pretty miserable to be honest.

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