| | Water Fasting

Fasted all week. Gained a lb :(

So I have been doing keto for 2 weeks and I’m in ketosis..I started fasting Monday 16:8. I’ve been going to sleep early all week and getting good sleep. I did start my time of the month Wednesday night so not sure I’d that is totally affecting it. But I managed to gain 1.5 lbs this week and I feel so grumpy because I worked so hard to stick to it. Why did I gain? I need encouragement. I have 30 lbs to lose and really need to stick to this..now I’m going in to a weekend where I normally would have a few drinks with friends tonight. What do I do?

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First, breath. Relax and be patient with yourself.

Second, that 1.5 pounds could be a number of things water weight or even muscle gain. You got this. Count your calories and stick through it. You’re going out where you normally would have a few drinks? Have one or none. If you decide to have a few drinks don’t eat the calories (which I don’t recommend).


One mantra I always have to repeat to myself is “if the scale owes you, it’ll pay” and it’s true. Only you know if the scale truly owes you but if it does, you’ll see it come off. Your period is probably throwing it off.


I ALWAYS gain weight around the time I pms/have my period.. so a full week before my period and the few days during. But really, it’s just that our bodies retain more water :) it’s all good, stick to IF, and use an app to track calories and your exercise (Lifesum is pretty awesome). As long as you’re eating well and have a slight calorie deficit, paired with IF, you will see results.

Good luck!


Girl. You got this. First of all, your body is probably holding onto some water right now. I bet after your period is over you’ll shed a few lbs. One thing that I do when I’m on my period is up my water intake. It helps me with cramps and makes the flow lighter. Go have a few drinks with your friends. I do almost every Friday, just try to stay away from the super sugary drinks. My go to is a vodka soda lime.

Side note: I did a no drinking month and lost 10lbs in that month lol. Set small goals for yourself.


I would check out Dr Mindy Pelz on YouTube. She talks about how women should fast in a way that WORKS WITH and COMPLIMENTS a women’s cycle/hormones/etc. It is so, so eye opening. I was very happy when I found her. It just makes sense. You’re doing great. It’s totally normal that your body doesn’t want to let go of the weight right now!


LOL!! Ok… first stop looking at the scale. That will drive you nuts! Second…it took me three months to notice any changes outside of how my clothes were fitting and how I felt. IF is a rollercoaster! Jump in and enjoy the ride! You’ll get there!


That happened to me when I had my period too, gained 1.9 lbs (almost 2lbs) then i weighed mself the week after and lost those lbs plus 1 lb.

I figure it’s just water retention whenever I have my period, so just keep at it and stay on course :)

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