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Fasted for two weeks, haven't lost any weight

Hi guys,

I’m new to fasting and I have some questions if you can answer that would be great. So, I fasted for two weeks and I didn’t lose any weight (I’m still fasting though). I don’t even snack now and I eat the same or maybe less. I’m stuck at the same weight and ny motivation is starting to get low. I don’t know what to do or what to change, can you guys advise how you did it and what results you got?

Some other questions: Do I need to give it more time? Do I need to start exercise? Do I need to change my diet?

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We’re going to need some additional information here. You’re talking about intermittent fasting, right? How long per day is your eating window? How does your calorie count compare to your TDEE? Are you eating anything or adjusting your diet somehow? Are you consuming anything other than water during the fasting time?

Edit: oh, and what are your age/height/weight?


  1. Two weeks is quite short in the grand scheme of things. It took me 5 months to 1) get to an IF schedule that brought me results and 2) to lose 3lbs.
  2. Measure yourself in key areas instead of focusing on the scale. IF can help reduce bloating, water weight/stored carbs, and other things that change before you see the scale number change.
  3. 16/17h fasting didn’t give me any results - it was one of the schedules I tried in that 5mo period of mostly plateauing. You can either stick to a longer eating window and count calories (something I never do and don’t want to start doing) or you could increase your fasting times per day to spend more time in fat burning mode and reduce the amount and frequency of eating. Many people only maintain at 16:8 because they are eating enough that their body doesn’t need to burn any fat.
  4. Exercise can help burn more energy and build muscle, but it can make you frustrated if you’re still only focusing on the scale. There are multiple reasons the scale doesn’t go down when you’re exercising, especially intensely. So that won’t necessarily show you the results you want with your weight, but of course it’s great for your health overall!

Good luck!


Don’t forget water weight gain due to menstrual cycle. Many women slowly build up several pounds of water weight in the two weeks before their period, then drop that excess water during their periods.

If you are losing fat pounds at the same rate you are retaining water pounds, it looks like no change on the scale.


What I would suggest is just to keep going and possibly start measurements rather than watching the scale. The amount of reasons for weight fluctuations are enormous, especially for us women. Do not get discouraged, from my experience I can tell you that less you are thinking about it the better. Seems like you are on a very good path and it may be that in your case just the weight isn’t moving but you are losing cm, or you need a little bit of time. When I felt discouraged I always reminded myself - you haven’t gained weight in a month, don’t expect to lose it in a month - Keep up your amazing work, I am sure with a little bit of time it will be all worth it :) Good luck to you!

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