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Fasting and Bipolar (Lamictal) - or genral: Fasting and medication

Hey folks!

I am new to this community and hope to find experiences considering the headline above. I am absolutely aware that fasting is NOT recommended for BP, as it can induce mania. (I did a lot of research considering this.)

So please: I do not need any more hints considering this and of course I am also talking to my doctor.


Before my diagnosis I did fasting every year for over a decade (5 to 10 days). It helped me keeping my figure/shape/weight, but back then it was also good for my mental health. It just made me feel better, leighter, more stable and aware for my own inner self and feelings. As far as I remember, it brightened my mood, but it never made me manic or psychotic or instable in any way.

It was like a ritual I practized every year, mostly in springtime. - And I miss it.

My diagnosis was 3 years ago. Since then I did not do fasting anymore out of several reasons. I am on Lamictal for a year now (small dosis 100mg/day) and I take Seroquel (mini-dosis 25mg before bedtime). I also take hormones (birth control pills). I am stable. When I did fasting the last times, I cannot remember taking any medication with it. I was lucky that I did not have to, back then.

But I suppose that there have to be a lot of people who have to take medication and also do fasting.

I had contact with some of these people and as I am planning a shorter or longer period of fasting (5-10 days) in March next year, I am doing more research on this topic and would be happy about any information you can give on this.

E.g. since there are a lot of different ways of fasting, maybe there is one especially recommended for people with (my) medication?

What are your experiences on fasting and medication? How did it work? Did it?

I am especially interested if the “feeling” is different from fasting without any medication. Anybody here who can give information on this? :)

Thank you.

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Hey hopefully I can help provide some insight. Diagnosed bi polar at 17, i’ve been taking 200mg of Lamictal daily ever since. During this period i’ve had some pretty extensive fasts and have never once experienced any sort of mania. In fact, I’ve actually felt that it has helped in some cases and boosted my mood. I just ended a 3 day water fast yesterday and it felt amazing.


I wouldn’t be too afraid of mania since you are taking Lamictal exactly to counter this. Especially since you already have experience with it and didn’t have problems before.

Yes fasting can push you more into the manic state but it’s also generally good for your health which will also benefit your mental health.

I don’t know if you know the Huberman Lab podcast but he recently did an episode on ketosis (fasting) and mental health. Might be interesting to listen.

This is not science but just my two cents: I would advise you to eat low carb before your fast so the “shock” of fasting is less big for your body. In general this just feels better as well if you ask me, but especially for mental health I think you’ll ease more gradually into the fast than when you’re eating high carbs and suddenly stopping “cold turkey”.

And, of course, don’t stop taking medication without tapering/talking to your doctor. You probably know this but I’m just going to say it again to make sure.

So, don’t worry too much about it and also: you can always just eat if you feel something is off. It’s no big deal. You’ll fast longer another time.


I have epilepsy and use lamictal and I’ve never noticed any issues, but I’ve never fasted for more than 72hrs. If you don’t already, try taking your meds on an empty stomach just to make sure it won’t cause any nausea before you get hyped up for a fast. Also if it causes insomnia and melatonin or anything similar doesn’t help, break the fast. Insomnia is bad for mood stability.


I have regular depression, am on medication, and have no problems with short and extended fasts. In fact, ext. fasts are indicated in some studies in helping with depression.

I’ve never heard of fasting inducing bipolar depression 😕


I’m on lamotrigine (lamictal generic) and prolonged fasting does trigger mania in me unfortunately. I stick to 16:8 IF. Obviously because I’m medicated and in CBT the episodes are much more muted but if you struggle with hyperfixation sometimes food can become the subject of that. This is just me though! As we know everyone is different. Might be helpful to start slow and monitor.

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