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Fasting and exercise over the long term.

Just looking for input on your experiences.

I’m no stranger to fasting, nutrition and exercise. I’ve been heavily involved in the aforementioned and was in great shape for years, but since a string of injuries and some other issues, I’ve fallen into a state of horrible shape. I’m at a pretty critical place in life and I know I need to take something of an immediate approach to remedy my situation.

During the times I’ve been dedicated to an exercise regimen I’ve only practiced IF/keto (or a paleo/keto hybrid) with great success. I’ve practiced a good deal of extended water fasting as well, but I refrained from exercise of any kind during those periods.

I don’t lift weights any more for a number of reasons, so I’ll be limiting my exercise to DDPY, anaerobic cardio, body weight resistance training and exercise bands for rehab protocol for the injuries. Doesn’t mean I won’t consider revisiting weight lifting in the future, but for now its off the table. So with that out of the way, here goes.

I plan on entering an as of yet indeterminate time of extended water fasting for personal reasons, not for weight loss, but I would like to maintain some kind of physical activity during that phase, after which I’m considering something like rolling 48s or 72s or whatever, combined with an OMAD or 20:4 keto protocol until I feel like I’m ready to alter my routine based on my goals.

For those of you who are disciplined in your exercise regiments, what has been YOUR experience concerning energy levels, efficiency, strength and muscle growth utilizing various fasting protocols?

This isn’t about simply losing weight, but regaining health. My life is demanding and not only do I feel like I’ve lost a step, but i’m losing ground. My goals are slipping further out of reach as I continue to neglect my health and I have no desire to live the rest of my life in decline with a self inflicted handicap. I’m not trying to lose 100 lbs overnight, but I do need to get a good chunk of weight off in a hurry to take the strain off my body, and reduce the mental fatigue that accompanies living with chronic pain due in no small part to being overweight and out of shape.

Thanks in advance for your input.

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I’ve lost about 125 lbs since starting a fasting focused lifestyle in July. I tried a few different things including a few extended fast before settling on rolling 48s with zero carb (for the most part) refeeds, which I hope to stay on until I lose another 60-70lbs.

I’m 40, male, 270lb, 6’3” currently.

I mainly train with the deadlift, overhead press, and kettlebell swing, and variants of those exercises. I do a lot of other stuff too like front squats, rows, and loaded carries, but I consider those my big three. I also do a lot of LISS – rucking, heavyhands, and just plain walking.

My deadlift before starting fasting was around 515. My goal since starting fasting is to maintain my strength.

I haven’t really had any challenges with exercise performance for strength training or LISS. If I go things like timed kettlebell swings, metcon, or HIIT, that can be another story. I don’t really need those though.

My exercise program is low volume, high frequency, full body, relatively easy load. Look up “easy strength for fat loss”, that’s roughly what I follow. I don’t think it would be wise to do a max out during this phase, but I have no issue maintaining 2x5@405 deadlift for my working sets 5x per week. Press has gotten a little bit harder, I think just because leverages changed since I lost weight. It’s no big deal though.

I don’t think it’s realistic to expect to gain muscle or strength while fasting, unless you either have zero experience with strength training, or are deconditioned. The goal should be to maintain. You will gain endurance most likely though. 00

For full disclosure I am on medically administered testosterone replacement therapy. I don’t run above what a normal 25 y/o would have, but want to be up front about that when putting results out there.

DDPY is a fantastic program and will do a lot for you. Your “anaerobic” cardio might be a sufferfest that takes more out of you than it gives you, but I’d encourage you to experiment and find out for yourself.

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