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Fasting and low calories

So to cut to the chase, let’s say I am doing a diet of about 1200 calories daily and do a 16/8(fasting/not fasting) fasting regimen. Obviously it’s fine to once in a while break the fast early because something came up or if you want to have fun. But it’s always been weird to me how 50 calories can “break” your fast, I get that consuming 50 calories would kind of reset the fasting progress but the question and the reason I am making this post is. Wouldn’t you get to the fat burning effects of fasting faster? Like if you ate for example 80 calories after a 12 hour fast(so basically you’re already in a completely fasted state) and then didn’t eat anything for another 10 hours wouldn’t you be considered fully fasted after 1-2 hours instead?

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Technically your body would be digesting way less food if you ate 80 calories rather than 1200 calories for example, but the digestion process will still take time. It would definitely require less time to burn 80 calories, though, and your body would end up having to burn calories from another source (fat) in your body. Not sure exactly how much time you’d need until you’ve entered a fasting state after 80 calories, but according to the irrefutable calories in vs calories out science, it wouldn’t be too long.

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Categories: calories 12 hour fast tea digest a fast