What has been people’s experiences in terms of noticing any worsening of metabolism after fasting? I know there’s a theory that fasting can slow the metabolism and create issues in the long run. I’m not sure if there’s an answer or not, but curious to hear of any anecdotal experiences on this topic
I use fasting to increase my metabolism. Your metabolism increases slightly in the first 36 hours. It returns to baseline at 72 hours and then declines. If you fast for a day or two and eat more than before, you can up your RMR. If on the other hand you eat less and restrict calories, you can slow your metabolism. The key to fasting is feasting enough to maintain high RMR such that you can lose weight quickly and eat to satiety in between fasting periods. For most fasters, this is a tough paradigm to follow after being raised on the concept of eating less to lose weight instead or ramping RMR up to use more energy instead.