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Fasting and periods!!

Hi all! Just joined!

I’m about 60 lbs down, doing alternate day (took 8 months)… took a break for about 6 months. Maintained though doing 16:8 of OMAD.

Need 30 more to lose by at least June! Doing alternate day fasting. Always bullet proof coffee (to your purists, stop. I know)

Problem is I started my period this week. Because I am tying to be disciplined and don’t want to make excuses anymore I don’t want my period to be an excuse. I had to break my fast yesterday because I was STARVING. Felt just defeated because I had to break my fast (also it was Ash Wednesday and I was fasting for that too). Usually I don’t feel that way, especially when I drink my bulletproof.

Anyway have any of you experienced severe hunger whilst fasting on your period?? 😭

What do you recommend? Tough it through?

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I have to do 16:8 on my period because I am ravenous and I can’t think of anything but eating. This most recent period I still managed to lose some weight doing that (I did gain water weight per the usual).

Typically I do OMAD which is much easier off my period. In my experience the last 2 days of my flow I can go back on OMAD. The first 2-3 days it feels impossible.

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Categories: alternate day omad alternate day fasting coffee