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Fasting and Stress

Any advice for fasting and stress? I am an adoptive parent of 2 special needs children and now suddenly caring for an additional 1 year old AND newborn foster children. Add working from home due to Covid. Stress is a given and I don’t want the children to go anywhere. Last year at this time I was able to do 20/4 fasting daily with at least one 48 hour fast/month. 6 months and +30 pounds later I can barely go 12 hours into a fast without the need to stress eat. Wondering how to get back on track. I’m usually a “just do it” type of person but that mindset isn’t working.

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Maybe start off without the goal being to fast, but to just be eating a diet low enough in carbs that you can adjust more easily to fasting? Even if you don’t get to fast for awhile you’ll still get a lot of the same benefits by having a LCHF diet.


Something that helps me stay on track is listening to The Obesity Code Podcast.the podcast actually has an episode about stress which might provide some tips.


The stories of other people and their journey helps me stay on the path when I am having a rough time or feel discouraged.

I imagine any other type of medium where people are sharing stories should work. Also listening to videos regarding IF or Keto helps to refresh the information and remind me of the benefits.

Good luck, and you got this!


That you for taking care of those children.

Stress eating is tough. I went through my phase of it this year. And then a few weeks ago I turned a corner, am eating OMAD, and lost 15 pounds.

So maybe there is a time and a place. If you can force yourself, force yourself. If you can’t, make the best food choices you can and do what you gotta do to get through this .


That’s a tremendous amount of stress! Wow!

Well, first I’d say be patient and gentle with yourself. Keep the self-critic in check.

Everyone is different, but what worked for me is thinking about my health and my future health. I watched videos on insulin resistance, and fatty liver and pancreas and it basically scared me straight. It gave me the needed motivation. Also making a doctor’s appointment to have a goal date.

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Categories: stress 48 hour fast a fast mindset to fast carbs obesity tips courage keto corn omad liver