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Fasting and training

I’ve been doing Keto + OMAD/20:4 fasting, eating after I get home from work or the gym. I typically work out 3 times a week doing a mix of CrossFit and powerlifting. I’ve been doing this for about a month and have been thinking about adding in some longer fasts. Both to speed up weight loss and to get some autophagy benefits.

I’ve done 5-7 day fasts before, but never while training, and felt pretty low energy during them. So what should I do for best results and health?

A) stick to OMAD and working out.

B) add prolonged long fasts but don’t workout during them.

C) workout during prolonged fasts.

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C - if you are simply adding on a few hours or even a day, you should be okay — just keep electrolytes in check and . if for some reason you need to lower the intensity, you can —- but you should be fine

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Categories: keto omad weight loss 7 day fast energy working out electrolytes