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Fasting and Weight Lifting?

Hi All, it’s been a while since my last post. After losing 25lbs through IF and exercise (OMAD with a few 48s per month), I hit a frustrating plateau in August that I haven’t seemed to be able to break. In September, I started moving away from cardio for exercise and have been really into strength training and weights and I have found that I love it. It also lead to a 5lb weight gain that has been really frustrating but I keep telling myself that it’s water in my muscles and muscle gains. I took a break from focusing on weight loss and instead was focusing on improvements in the gym, and I’m really happy with where things are going so far in that area. I usually work out for 45-90 min, 5 days a week.

I’m wanting to switch my focus back on weight loss because I’d like to lose another 25lbs. But I’m at a loss of where to start with my new workout schedule AND this weight loss plateau I’ve had. As much as I liked the extended fasts, I’m concerned that I’ll only make it worse with my exercise routine by stressing my body out and will stall my progress. I also think my body is too habituated to OMAD where it’s not as effective as it used to be.

Does anyone here balance IF with weights and achieve both improvements in the gym and weight loss?

For reference: 31F, SW207, CW188, I eat between 100g-140g of protein a day, usually paired with low carb. OMAD most days, thinking of getting back to 48hr fasts once a week.

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Hey! I am 27 F, 4’11, SW 159 lbs, CW 128 lbs. In my experience as a petite person, I am unable to make significant muscle mass gains while losing weight. My BMR is 1250, TDEE is 1550, so I strength train for muscle endurance and tone. With a calorie intake goal of 1200, I do not ingest sufficient protein to build muscle.

Again, this is only my experience. I plan to increase my calories (and protein content) after I reach my goal weight to see muscle gains.

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