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Fasting and working out: how does it work for you? Do you ever recover?? 😅

After reaching my first big goal I really want to go back to the gym. Pre-kids I was very active and I want to lift as much for my own mental well-being as anything (but hopefully to improve my physical health as well).

I’ve been doing ADF very successfully, but uh…. I want to know if that works for anyone around a lifting schedule? When do you eat, and when do you lift, and do you ever recover?!

Idgaf about achieving big numbers or anything, I just want to do some compound movements/lift some stuff off the ground and feel like I can roll out of bed the next day without feeling like I’m dying! 😂

(Although the first few times I lift weights I know I will feel like dying after, no matter what I eat).

Would love to know what other people do & what your experiences are. Especially ADF but I want to know what fasting protocol works for you around exercise, I’m out of my depth here!

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My husband and I lift three times a week and do MMA training four times a week. All our exercise happens on the night of refeed (eating) days. Since we do ADF, we eat during four days of the week and fast three days. We use the fasting days to recover from our workouts and we don’t lift on the fourth workout day to recover from the previous three times we lifted during the week.

Since I started working out with him in this way my body has transformed quickly compared to when I used to do ADF without any exercise. It only took me the first week of incorporating my husband’s workout routine to see the fat really melting off my body and having muscle built in place. I did not see such quick progress in the mirror after two months of doing ADF consistently without exercise.

My husband and I have no issues with recovery as long as we don’t lift and go too hard with the workout on the last refeed day of the week. We also take supplements like ashwagandha and Vitamin D to help with recovery and muscle formation during and after working out. I have a vitamin D deficiency so I need to take that regardless.

Sooo yeah as long as you’re eating enough on refeed days you can definitely lift and recover properly after workouts. I do not recommend for anyone to work out or do any lifting on fasting days. I work out on the night of refeed day to kickstart the fasting process and so that I can spend the whole next fasting day recovering.

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Categories: fasting and working out recover protocol working out muscle vitamin deficiency