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fasting around family?

any tips on getting around fasting whilst staying at home with family?

i’ve tried in the past to explain the benefits of fasting but they just don’t want to hear it…

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I’ve found some friends and family members receptive and others very negative. Like others have said, try not to tell those people. I’ve discovered that the ones who are most critical of fasting for “health benefits” are highly supportive of fasting for “spiritual benefits”So, if for some reason they need to know, try the spiritual benefits angle and if they are still negative tell them you will pray for them - that always works lol. Btw, I am in no way religious. I consider myself atheist. But no one needs to know that 😉


Biggest mitigation tips i could give are

A) make sure that you dont guilt trip your family for eating around you or try to impose your choice on themB) try to remove yourself from the area at meal times so that the smell won’t trigger you into feeling hungry.

It does make it alot harder when you’re right there while they’re eating yummy food that u miss.


Super hard when you’re staying with them. Can you say, “thanks I’m not hungry right now, but will take care of it later. I have an errand/need to get some steps in. Have a great meal and I look forward to spending more time with you in a bit.”

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