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Fasting experience so far

So I’ve been fasting throughout jan/feb. Started out intending to go for 10 days. Then when I hit a mental block at 48, I thought I’d just eat once and go again. Aiming to go longer each time. So rolling fasts. But with varying lengths.

Pretty quickly I was fasting at 72 hours minimum. The longest was probably 5-6 days.

Initial I lost the first 10kg fairly quickly. Then in the last 10 days, I lost nothing. Not even an ounce.

However, my period is about a week overdue and hoping once it comes along, some of the pounds will drop. I feel like I’ve lost fat.

I suffer from fairly severe PMT and have been a crabby, irritable mess. So I’ve switched to OMAD for the past couple of days, eating whatever I feel like eating in my window.

So here’s the thing. My whole attitude towards food and eating has changed. I’m more mindful when I eat. If I’m craving a cream cake, I’ll eat cream cake. But the craving stops a few mouthfuls in and I’m done. That’s weird to me. I used to need much larger portions to satisfy cravings.

I’ve also rediscovered my passion for cooking and food preparation.

I feel like there are more hours in the day. The only downside is the feeling depressed. I think I heavily relied on sugar fixes for the serotonin and dopamine surges I needed to survive the day.

But I’m on an SSRI and thinking of adding some 5 HTP into the mix so I have faith things will get better.

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My period does wacky things to weight loss - weight gains beforehand, hanging on to the weight for several days or even until it’s done. However, I’ve also skipped periods after extended fasts. I still had the discomfort of an impending period, but skipped a whole month. Good luck staying strong. Switching back to OMAD sounds like a wise decision, including for your mood.

Best of luck!

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