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fasting for a month

I feel like I’m not doing this right.

I’ve been fasting for about a month, 20 hour fast, then eating a meal, then another 20 hour fast. Take in mind I have been registering my eating very carefully with an app, resetting the timer when I fail to reach the 20 hour mark and overall not lying to myself. I even have gotten to the 24 hour mark most days.

On the first few weeks I felt amazing, lost some inches on my waist, felt less bloated and overall pretty good. On the last couple days, I have felt my tummy kinda bloated and really stuffed after eating a normal meal and I feel like I’m not losing much weight anymore.

Should I increase the fast hours? maybe I should stop with the fasting for a couple days and see how it goes? or decrease my food intake on the non-fasting hours?

I feel like I’m not able to eat the normal three meals a day because I already feel really full for the rest of the day after eating one meal.

I don’t know, I need advice :(

(edited because of weird format on mobile)

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There’s not really enough detail to go on here. How much and what you’re eating still matters.

Really the only truly actionable advice is to experiment. Maybe skip eating a whole day and see how that feels. Maybe eliminate carbs for a few days. Maybe eat more than you usually do for a few days.

Switch things up, document everything, and see what your body likes.


If you’re only eating during a short window you’re going to feel bloated and stuffed because you’re cramming all your food in at once.

What do your meals look like? What you eat and how much is far more important and impactful than how long you fast. Start there.


If you’re someone who menstruates, where you are in your cycle will have a significant impact on your water retention. It’s really frustrating to see and feel no difference (either in the scale or how your clothes fit) but that doesn’t mean you haven’t lost fat.

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