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Fasting for anti-aging, but don’t want to lose any weight, methods?

So I’m currently fasting 20:4 after reading about biological age and the effect of autophagy on the body. It’s made my skin look amazing and it’s something that I want to continue. For longer healthier life

However I am slightly underweight according to my bmi, and am dropping more weight because I am not able to eat enough calories during that 4 hour period. I will eat until my stomach is sore but struggle to reach 1000 calories. And I realise it’s a feature rather than a bug of the diet, as it’s probably designed that way.

The 16:8 method is too short to trigger anti-aging benefits from what I have read

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20:4 doesn´t leave much room for calories intake. You will probably have to make a few changes to your fast:

  1. Don´t fast every day (fast every other day or even less often).

  2. Eat caloric dense foods (nuts, health oils, avocado, protein smoothies, butter).

Remember that 1g protein = 1g carbs = 4cal; 1g fat = 9 cal (and 1g alcohol = 7cal but I don´t recomend you go that way…)

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