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Fasting for Diabetics

Hey everyone. I am 40yo and was diagnosed with T2D 3 years ago. They immediately put me on several meds since my BG was 495. I immediately dove into the world of diabetes and learned a ton. Soon after I began doing Keto. I did that for over a year and lost 50 lbs and got off all my meds. Keto was insanely hard for me as my wife and 2 kids did not want to eat that way so made it just insanely difficult to adhere to. I then jumped off the wagon and stuff has gone back up. I would like to start incorporating fasting into my lifestyle for both weight loss as well as the Health benefits. Would like to hear from any of you here that are diabetics and using fasting as a way of health improvement. Any info and advice will be greatly appreciated

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There is some research that T2D can be reversed. The thought is that the body develops a resistance to insulin through eating too often and too many carbs. The cure is supposed to be cutting down on carbs, not snacking between meals, giving your body longer breaks between meals. You can learn more about that theory in The Obesity Code or The Diabetes Code by Dr. Jason Fung.


I’m type 1, have done a 5 day day water fast.

But I have a CGM and a pump.

I worked from home, didn’t exercise and took it easy.

Fasting as a diabetic is a fantastic tool. But you have to be absolutely on top of it.and prepare to break the fast as soon as your sugar drop.


It is true that your diabetes can be basically reversed. However if you go back to the old lifestyle you will will see sugars spike, A1c etc. so you are not exactly “cured” as you could relapse, but you are “cured” from the standpoint of having greatly improved health and no need for medications.

Fasting will give you lowest sugars for longest time, thereby increasing insulin sensitivity to the greatest degree.


I don’t have T2D but I was overweight and fasting has been very beneficial to me. I could never do keto either but I did reduce carbs and increase fats, and that I can say without a doubt helped me to fast. My first fast started a couple weeks after I cut out the junk food and added more fat. I believe preparation for fasting is half the battle, especially when you are just beginning a fasting way of life. The other bit of advice I can give would be to pick a low stress day to start your first fast. Good luck and let me say fasting IS possible, just keep your goals in the forefront of your brain at all times!

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