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Fasting for normal weight people

Are there benefits to fasting for normal weight people? Like in terms of energy and such. Have you noticed?

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Yep. I started for weight loss and have been at maintain levels for almost a year. There’s health benefits you can’t feel from it and then ones you can. I’ve skipped a handful of days over the last year and never feel great.


Yes, definitely. Fasting lets your body clean itself out more efficiently…called Autophagy.

Also by keeping your blood sugars lower, insulin stays lower so less risk of getting t2 diabetes

And, longer fasts stimulating human growth cells.

It’s really how evolution made us…modern eating constantly is bad for us.


Yes. I do 16:8, I finish eating dinner by 6 PM and skip breakfast early in the morning and have something small around 10 AM and go from there. I feel more energized in the morning when I don’t immediately eat a heavy breakfast when I wake up. When I have eaten breakfast early in the morning, I felt sluggish the rest of the morning.


I’ve been fasting (doing 5:2) for nearly eight years. I found there was a period of adjustment where I felt fatigue but now I feel fine. Yes, I don’t feel like I’m bursting with energy on my fast days but I find if I keep busy mentally and physically, I don’t even notice it. I don’t fast on holidays/vacations or between Xmas and New Year. One of the main benefits of fasting is your insulin response, cholesterol, and lipid profile improve. I recently had blood work done where I had to fast (not eat anything beforehand for 12 hours). The doctor said my blood glucose level and lipid profile was the best she’d ever seen. To be fair, I am also an active person, don’t smoke and drink moderately (most of the time). I’ll be 42 years old in April.


IF should be thought of as a life style change, not a fad diet.

When I first started IF back in November of 2019 I was at 215lbs and got all the way down to 185lb before Covid hit. Unfortunately I went back up to 200lbs because I was not committed to it and let myself go.

There are clear benefits to fasting that you should read up on, and as long as you are getting your caloric intake, you wont need to worry about losing weight.

Personally, I have much more energy when I fast - like others have said, not feeling sluggish after having food in the AM is great.


Lost 35 pounds over 6 months. I have more consistent energy levels, feel better overall, feel sharper mentally. When I took my month off from fasting, I had the exact opposite of these symptoms.

Decided that, “Eat like shit, feel like shit” is definitely a thing (at least for me).

Back to fasting every day for 16-8 with OMAD sprinkled in when I feel like it.

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Categories: to fast energy weight loss blood sugar diabetes dinner morning sluggish holidays blood glucose losing weight shit omad