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Fasting for weight loss question.

So I’m currently in the process of cutting weight and I’m trying to learn as much as I can about the various ways to do so. I understand that being in a caloric deficit is the main factor in losing weight which to me is easily done by fasting on a regular basis as opposed to constantly counting calories and reading labels. The days I do eat, I only eat one meal for the day. However, I often am very relaxed about what I eat during that meal and it’s not always the healthiest choice. So my question is, am I ruining my weight loss goal my eating sloppy even for one or two meals of the week? Or is it not that big of a problem since I’m fasting consistently throughout the week?

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I think there’s two questions here: is it a problem to eat unhealthy and is splurging ruining your weight loss.

On the first one: Well, of course it is unhealthy, but it is better than eating unhealthy and not fasting, which is what most people do. I would focus on fasting in the beginning and slowly incorporating healthier alternatives.

On the weight loss: Sadly you will have to do the math. You didn’t say anything about your age/gender/weight/lifestyle, so let’s say that you have a BMR of 2000 kcal and spends 500 kcal in active kcal per day. Please adjust the math with your info.

If you eat once every 48 hours, that means you are spending 5000 kcal for each meal. That is a lot, but given how easily accessible high caloric food is in our society, it is really easy to reach that (at least for me).

There’s a diner called Black Bear diner near my house. Their chicken fried steak is 1900 kcal, one bear claw is another 1100, a large cup of soda is at least another 300. That’s 3300 kcal in one sitting.

3 oreos have 160 kcal, there’s 1920 kcal in one package. I have seen plenty of people, including myself, going through one package mindlessly while on netflix…

So I highly encourage you to count your calories.

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