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Fasting for well being and not weight loss

Hey all!

So I’m interested in the experiences of those that have fasted and also weight train. From those that periodically fast for 2 days a week and from those that have done extensive fasts of 1-2 plus weeks while also weightraining.

I’m am considered a fit woman with a fit physique and I weight train 5 days a week. I was also a career Personal Trainer before I became a homesteader Mom lol. I eat the typical high protein diet of someone that loves weight training.

Anyway.. I’ve been wanting to do a fast for spiritual reasons and also because I have never done a true fast thus have never experienced the benefits.

I would like to hear from people that are also active and fit and that weight train and have fasted. Was your energy affected? What noticeable benefits did you experience? Did you notice alot of gains(muscle) loss? Especially if you are a female..did the muscle return quickly? How was your energy level during training?

I’ve been lucky to work with some Muslim clients as well that would come into training session during Ramadan fasted..but of course they did get to eat upon sunset so they were training on calories from previous day. But I did obv notice lower energy levels at training session.

Do share all pertinent info!

Thank you

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I don’t fast for weight loss nor spirituality, but I do fast for authophagy and debloating. My stats are: woman, 5’7”, 135lbs, and work out 5x/week (2 days weight training, 3 days cardio). I fast for 24-48hrs every month, usually a week after my period has ended because that’s when I feel like I need to. I’ve been doing this for about 6 months, and it does affect the intensity of my work outs so I stick to walking or hiking when I’m fasting. I drink electrolytes to replenish after working out, and take extra magnesium otherwise I can’t sleep. I eat low carb for 2 days before my fasts to make the cravings more manageable lol.

I’ve just started weight training about 2 months ago and have been building muscle because I eat at a surplus, but it may also be newbie gains? Sorry, if none of this was helpful. Just wanted to provide a perspective.

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