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Fasting has giving me a whole new appreciation for food.

I posted this over at intermittent fasting but wanted to share it here to see if anyone else had a similar experience.

Before I started fasting food was just that, food. It was something that I consumed without much thought. Don’t get me wrong, I loved food. I always enjoyed trying new restaurants and cooking, but once I started IF and fasting in general my relationship with food changed.

The first change was that food now taste so much better than before. I swear my meals taste more flavorful and I am more cognizant of each ingredient that is used. I admire the nutrients that are contained in each meal and feel more satisfied after eating.

Eating is no longer just a scarfing down of what in front of me, but a time that I can sit and enjoy and be fully immersed in my meal. It sounds corny, but fasting has allowed me to gain a whole new level of appreciation and respect for food.

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IMHO, this is one of the biggest cool factors actually. At no point in your life will food be more delicious than at the conclusion of a long fast. I will never forget the break meal after my first 5 day fast. It is cemented into my brain for eternity.

It was at the 5 Guys near my house. Bacon cheeseburger, order of cajun fries and a salted caramel shake. I swear to God I got a friggin head rush from the first bite of that burger. It was like a deliciousness orgasm. Even reflecting on it now brings a smile to my face. Food is amazing. It is a deeply ingrained part of our cultural and social experience, and fasting kicks things up a notch as far as appreciating it.

Note: And yes, I know, people tell you that you are bound to have all of these intestinal issues by eating a big meal after a fast, but I guess I just have a strong stomach because this has not been my experience.


In USA we have so much sugar in everything. After a long bout of ketosis I ate a plain old regular boring mcdonalds hamburger and I was blown away by how sweet the bun was. It tasted like a pastry or a cake. It was amazing!

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