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Fasting less than 16 hours


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You say you’re trying to get “back into it”…..what worked for you previously?

Why is skipping breakfast “not an option”?

And why must you eat after 3:30?

Obviously everyone is unique, but you won’t get any benefits of autophagy and I would expect any weight loss would be tied more to CICO.


My goal is to do 16:8 at least 3 days a week. I think you should do what works for you and build up to 16:8 in time if you can. Personally I see a much bigger difference with 16:8, there is some kind of tipping point there for my body. However, there are days when I make it to only 13 or 14 and I just need more energy to get going. I don’t beat myself up for that. No way I can get dinner by 4 p.m. on a work day, I don’t even get home from work until 6 p.m.

On the weekends, I eat dinner by 4 p.m. and that makes it much easier to get to 16 hours since I like breakfast a lot. Good luck!


It can definitely work but you’ll need to be very mindful of your caloric intake because your eating window is bigger. In the past I lost about 20lbs eating clean and not eating after 7pm. I’d have breakfast around 9:30am so that was about 14:10. The reason longer fasts works better for me is because I don’t have a big window to snack. The bigger window is trouble for me. But if you’re still able to consume less calories than your burn, you will loose. I’m doing 18:6 now and it’s coming off faster.


I think anything less than 16:8, like a 10 hour eating window, is kind of just not snacking rather than fasting. Just remember the only thing scarier than change (for you - the idea of giving up your breakfast or skipping dinner) is staying the same. If you want changes, you have to make changes 🤗


You could consider doing something like 14:10 or 15:9 during the weekdays and then do bigger fasts on the weekend, maybe something like 18:6 or 20:4? Just make yourself a nice huge breakfast on those 2 days. I doubt OMAD would be easy if you had your one meal at breakfast because later in the day it would be easier to get hungry. Part of what makes OMAD doable is sleeping through the part where you are most likely to crave more food. But you could certainly try it.

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