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Fasting made my period easier than normal?

Hey y’all! I’m currently on an extended 30 day fast and on the last day of my period. I began fasting 5 days before my period, but I noticed that my cramps that are usually unbearably painful on the day leading up to the actual presence of blood, were non-existent. This time around, I literally didn’t even know it began until I wiped on the toilet and saw blood. I’ve done a quick search in here and found a ton of y’all saying that your periods are worse while fasting, but is the opposite true for anyone else?

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Do you have any other symptoms consistent with PCOS? Hormonal acne, hirsuitism, any of that? Some women find that managing their insulin thru fasting or keto manages their hormone balance and knocks out PCOS symptoms like difficult periods.


i’m like you!!! mine is so much easier. i actually make a point to try and fast around that time. i usually have to take like 3 extra strength advil/tylenol to even just mildly reduce the pain but when I’m fasting, i hardly cramp at all! it’s amazing, really


I haven’t fasted specifically before my period to know, but when I did carnivore, my periods were the easiest they ever were. My PMS was almost non-existent, I wasn’t moody, and there was barely any cramping.

My periods are also easier when I do keto as opposed to eating the SAD, so I always presumed it was because I was cutting down my carbs (and with carnivore, having no carbs at all).

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