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Fasting tips

I don’t know if its right but I only ate once a day for months and just plenty of water. My weight has gone down from 99 kilos to 73.6 kilos but then Christmas came and I started eating plenty again.

Any tips on how to stick to routine and what is the proper way to fast, I’m afraid mom’s cooking this coming Christmas may push me again to eat more. I have gain 4 kilograms again and I can’t seem to start fasting again.

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I’m kind of dealing with the same. I did OMAD all of November and it was awesome. But last week, I got a nasty respiratory infection and due to how awful I felt, and needing painkillers, I had to eat at least a couple of times a day. So this week, whilst still recovering, my OMAD schedule hasn’t really gone back to what it was. So how do we get through it? I’m personally easing back into fasting and aiming for 18h-20h fasts but also being mindful of what I have to eat to get my nutrients. I should be back to OMAD fully next week, and to be honest, over the Christmas period, I’ll probably have a couple of days where I extend my eating window but mostly I will enjoy the quality of food and occasion rather than seeing it as a free for all. Also, don’t beat yourself up about it. You don’t have to only do OMAD to get results. I get similar results doing 18:6 and 20:4 to OMAD. A minimum of 18 hours fasting is best if you want the benefits of ketosis.

Does your family understand fasting?


It’s honestly okay to suspend your fast during the holidays in order to enjoy the special occasion. Just make sure you don’t forget to resume it! Another thing you could try is making sure to fast at least 1 full day per week, that’ll make it really hard to actually gain weight. In theory at least, I plan to do that as my maintenance plan indefinitely, once I hit my weight goal.


There is no proper way to fast. Fasting is simply a tool to create a calorie deficit. There is misinformation out there that calories do not matter. This is not true and contradicts the laws of thermodynamics. Fasting can effect the hunger hormone which is one of the primary reasons people prefer it over many small meals throughout the day. There is slight variations in the thermic effect of food depending on what you eat, but this isn’t a substantial amount.

The best way to fast is the one that is most sustainable for you. In the end, calories matter. If you have a hard time estimating calories buying a food scale and counting counting them using the scale can be fairly accurate.

If you want to fast for 24+ it’s good to remember that the early part of a fast can the hardest part for some people since glycogen depleting can be uncomfortable and cause a lot of hunger. If you want to avoid that cycle over and over again consider doing extended fasting for weight loss, instead of something like alternate day fasting which takes you through that glycogen depletion state over and over again.

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Categories: fasting tips tips to fast omad pain recover eating window ketosis holidays deficit calories a fast extended fasting weight loss tea alternate day fasting